
Check on Nagios the latest files in folder with NSClient++ 0.3.9

CURRENT CONFIGURATION: Linux OpenSuSe, Nagios 3.2.3, NRPE; Windows 2003R2 x64 server, NSClient++ 2011-09-02
OBJECTIVE: Monitor MSSQL backup, IIS logs replication with Nagios. Check FOLDER with files (MSSQL backup, IIS logs, S3 logs, etc.). Send WARNING if files are older than some hours.
NRPE has to work on Nagios server and on Windows client computer with NSClient++.
Nagios server command.cfg file:
define command{
  command_name    check_nrpe_files_written
  command_line    $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c CheckFiles -a "path=$ARG1$" "pattern=$ARG2$" "filter=written gt -$ARG3$" truncate=4096 "master-syntax=files: %total%" max-dir-depth=$ARG4$ MinWarn=0

define command{
  command_name    check_nrpe_files_creation
  command_line    $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c CheckFiles -a "path=$ARG1$" "pattern=$ARG2$" "filter=creation gt -$ARG3$" truncate=4096 "master-syntax=files: %total%" max-dir-depth=$ARG4$ MinWarn=0

Nagios server somename.cfg file examples:

define service{
  check_command           check_nrpe_files_creation!F:\\Backup\\SERVER01\\mssql\\backup\\default\\full!*.bkz!30h!0
  normal_check_interval   720
define service{
  check_command           check_nrpe_files_creation!F:\\Backup\\SERVER06\\ServiceDesk\\backup!*.data!30h!0
  normal_check_interval   720
define service{
  check_command           check_nrpe_files_creation!F:\\backup\\SERVER01!*-exchange_1_storage_group.bkf!8d!0
  normal_check_interval   1440
define service{
  check_command           check_nrpe_files_written!D:\\Logs\\IISLogs!*WEB01*.log!6h!4
  normal_check_interval   180
define service{
  check_command           check_nrpe_files_written!D:\\Replica\\UploadCopy\\s3!LastReplication.log!30h!0
  normal_check_interval   720

NSClient++ NSC.ini file:

Big thanks to NSClient++ author for program and excellent support.


Amazon AWS windows instance w32time service issue

CURRENT CONFIGURATION:  Windows 2008R2 SP1 instance on Amazon AWS VPC
OBJECTIVE: Time synchronise
C:\>sc start w32time
[SC] StartService FAILED 1290:
The service start failed since one or more services in the same process have anincompatible service SID type setting. A service with restricted service SID type can only coexist in the same process with other services with a restricted SID type. If the service SID type for this service was just configured, the hosting process must be restarted in order to start this service.
C:\>sc start Ec2Config
[SC] StartService FAILED 1068:
The dependency service or group failed to start.
Uninstall Ec2ConfigService. Delete all in c:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\ except  config files in c:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings\ .
Uninstall w32time by command
w32tm /unregister
Reboot server.
Install and start w32time service by command
w32tm /register
@ping localhost -n 5 >; nul
sc start w32time
Configure w32time service. Example:
w32tm /config /update /manualpeerlist:0.ie.pool.ntp.org,0.europe.pool.ntp.org,3.europe.pool.ntp.org /syncfromflags:MANUAL
@ping localhost -n 2 >; nul
w32tm /monitor /computers:0.ie.pool.ntp.org
w32tm /resync
Reboot the server ant test w32time service. Example
w32tm /monitor /computers:0.ie.pool.ntp.org
w32tm /resync
w32tm /query /peers
w32tm /query /configuration
If w32time service works as you expected download and install Ec2ConfigService
Reboot the server.
LINKS: Reinstall ec2config